Accounts Administrators are responsible for all accounting work related to taxes, including bookkeeping and invoicing. In some larger organizations, Accounts Administrators may find themselves filling managerial roles via overseeing an accounting staff. This could include assigning duties to staff members as well as evaluating and training them.
Monitoring Accounts Receivable and Payable
Accounts Administrators are responsible for receiving and verifying billing and requisitions for goods and services. They also ensure that accounts receivable and payable are taken care of in a timely manner. They often have to contact clients and vendors to achieve these tasks.
Analyzing data
Analyzing transactions to ensure that they comply with financial policies and procedures that are in place is another important responsibility of an Accounts Administrator. Also, any time any data or financial information comes into question, the Accounts Administrator will need to investigate or audit it.
Keeping Organized Records
The Accounts Administrator is responsible for organizing and maintaining client and vendor files, such as W-9s and 1099s. If the Accounts Administrator is not tasked directly with these duties, he or she will oversee at team that completes them.
Invoicing, coding and processing invoice data is another important responsibility of an Accounts Administrator. Tracking invoices and detecting mistakes is also a duty that may arise.
Supporting the Finance Team
Depending on how large the organization is, the Accounts Administrator may need to offer support to the finance team as needed. This means that he or she may have to engage in duties that are not normally expected but that help further the goals of the team such as meeting to go over records and analyze data that is in question.